Three Words to Achieve Awesome Results (part 3)

Equal, equitable, and fair are all terms used frequently when describing the treatment employees expect from employers.  Does this mean they are interchangeable?  Not at all!  In fact they are different and should be used according to the results employers are looking to attain.  Why is this important to know?  Because achieving the right treatment makes all the difference in an organization’s success.

In the increasing landscape of diversity/inclusion equal, equitable, and fair treatment provides the foundation needed to ignite the passion, dedication, loyalty, and engagement of their entire organization.  How do CEOs, Business Owners, leaders, and managers use them as they are here?

Fair treatment causes some work environments to be continuously highly productive, creative, display foresight, and much more.  Employees know that they are being judged on their merits not their associations or their demographics.  Fair treatment is sometimes viewed as unfair based on how leaders, managers, or fellow coworkers.  Using the example above, when the stellar employee is treated the same way as the borderline employee and depending leaders decisions or these employees are a different race or ethnicity the borderline employee might believe he/she is being treated unfairly.  Leaders and managers must be consistent in how they deliver discipline and their actions toward each employee.

Notice there is no direct link between fair and equal.  That’s because they are diametrically opposed.  CEOs, Business Owners, leaders and managers must demonstrate they understand the three through word, action, and support.  Equitable, equal, and fair are definitely important to an organizations’ phenomenal success.

Three Words to Achieve Awesome Results (part 2)

Equal, equitable, and fair are all terms used frequently when describing the treatment employees expect from employers.  Does this mean they are interchangeable?  Not at all!  In fact they are different and should be used according to the results employers are looking to attain.  Why is this important to know?  Because achieving the right treatment makes all the difference in an organization’s success.

In the increasing landscape of diversity/inclusion equal, equitable, and fair treatment provides the foundation needed to ignite the passion, dedication, loyalty, and engagement of their entire organization.  How do CEOs, Business Owners, leaders, and managers use them as they are here?

Equal treatment is misleading and appears to be what everyone wants to receive.  Equal treatment alludes to the best treatment because everyone seems the same.  However, equal means that no matter how talented, professional, or skilled all employees are the same.  For example, an outstanding employee, rarely tardy, comes in to work about 10 minutes late and is treated the same as another employee who is regularly tardy, more than 15 minutes each time.  Is this the best way to handle the situation?  No.  If they are treated equally how is that fair?  Lazy leaders who care less about their employees only create an environment that breeds contempt by excellent employees.  All employees should be held accountable for their actions based on their actions not based on others’ actions.

Three Words to Achieve Awesome Results (part 1)

Equal, equitable, and fair are all terms used frequently when describing the treatment employees expect from employers.  Does this mean they are interchangeable?  Not at all!  In fact they are different and should be used according to the results employers are looking to attain.  Why is this important to know?  Because achieving the right treatment makes all the difference in an organization’s success.

In the increasing landscape of diversity/inclusion equal, equitable, and fair treatment provides the foundation needed to ignite the passion, dedication, loyalty, and engagement of their entire organization.  How do CEOs, Business Owners, leaders, and managers use them as they are here?

First, each of these must be clearly defined so there is no confusion.  Equitable means just.  Equal is the same.  Fair is treating people in a way that does not favor some over others.  Starting with equitable treatment which is used to create awesome work environments so everyone feels part of the business; therefore, providing some amazing ideas.  Equitable is the optimum treatment and all leaders must strive to reach this level using policies, procedures and strategies as a path to create the most engaged employees.  Engaged employees are consistent in their high productivity.

There Are Numerous Reasons Why So Many Start-ups Fail

There is data that indicates more businesses are leaving the market than entering the market.  Why?  Here are some of my observations:

1. This is a global market and new businesses need to understand that fully

2.  Knowing the cultures they are targeting is not being fully accomplished

3.  Knowing the diversity of their employees and creating an inclusive environment

4.  Not asking experts in real global marketing what they need to do

There are more reasons that you can get from me.  Check out my FAQ page to get some information.  I look forward to hearing from you at to get global strategies. 


Here’s How to Buy The Book Unlike Any Other

It’s real now!!  My book is on Amazon and is available for purchase.  If you are a CEO, Business Owner, senior executive, or an individual this book has something for all of you.  I discuss some of the most challenging subjects, give objective and experienced observations,  and provide ways to improve.  Here’s the link so don’t waste time get your copy today!!!


Who Are Redskins Anyway?

It’s amazing how this issue has grabbed the attention of the U.S.   There are many sides and more opinions than can be counted.  But in most discussions there are rarely any Native Americans or talk about their thoughts on this subject.  The rhetoric about this issue concentrates on whether the teams or schools have the right to use the names not if the terms are derogatory to Native Americans.

Checkout this story from Tomahawk Nation because the more information you have the more informed you will be!!

Membership Has Its Privileges

That American Express tagline is accurate for many other things.  It happens to be perfect for this article so you must read on!


Membership Has Its Privileges

People generally understand what privilege is; however, it becomes clearer when explained in different ways.  I’m a Black female my privilege extends to all Black restaurants, hotels/motels, neighborhoods, evenly mixed or all Black towns, and so on, you get the picture.  I have no guarantees that I will be able to go anywhere I choose but, Caucasians definitely can choose when they want to go, where they want to go, and how they travel without little to no consideration.  That’s privilege!


Dr. Steven Jones, PhD., is the CEO of Jones & Associations Consulting, Inc., a diversity and organizational change consulting firm with offices in San Diego came up with a great privilege example called, “The Right Hand of Privilege”.


Dr. Jones describes privilege as a way individuals receive unearned advantages in life solely based on being a member of certain social identity groups.  Additionally, privilege is about the systems that were created to give present groups advantages while also disadvantaging other groups.  Let’s begin the analogy.  What do you think:  Do we live in a right-handed world?  There are many systems in place to support the right-handed group.  Here are just a few.


School desks, in general, are made for right-handed people.  For comfort, cars are designed for righties.  How many of you right-handers arise and think, “I live in a world of privilege every day?”  (Rhetorical)   Right-handers believe right handed items are normal and standard.  For example, the right-handed desks or baseball mitts are called desks and mitts.  However, if they are left-handed, they are called left-handed desks and left-handed mitts.  These things are not “normal”.  There are “Left-Handed Stores”; however, there are no “Right-Handed Stores” those are referred to as K-mart, Target, Lowes, etc.


Surely you can see that receiving privilege because you belong to a particular group is not always obvious.  But once you notice it and believe it is to the disadvantage to other groups you should do what?  This cannot be answered by anyone but you.  Think about it and then ask yourself, could you ever be the disadvantaged?



Radio Show On Voice America

Listen to why Business Liaisons – Connection Matters my radio talk show has become a fanrageous.   Tune into the show every Thursday night at 6:00pm EST or download anytime!!

We’ll talk soon.  Ciao.